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Cheat Crossfire 15 February 2015 (Release)

Here is cheat crossfire indonesia or other crossfire version work in all OS, after long time iam not update cheat crossfire all version, now on this time i have new cheats with amazing features, like VIP cheats but still free. now you can download the cheat crossfire in link below!

1. Open H_LOADER.exe (right click mouse, and then Run as Administrator)

2. Click "CLICK HERE TO GET ACTIVATE HACK NOW" then click this link Clik Here  To Go Step 2
3. And visit this link for Activate
4. After cheat activated, now you can start crossfire.

1. If you use win7/win8 open cheat with Run Administrator
2. If cheat don't work, just install Tools below
3. If cheat don't work after you finish steps 1,2 you just wait next update cheat crossfire